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  JAH 50 (2016) [PDF] [HTML]
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  JAH 1 (1967)-45 (2011) [in preparation]





Journal of Asian History


Style sheet for articles submitted in English [PDF / MS Word].

We would appreciate receiving submissions both in the form of a PDF and a Microsoft Word (or RTF) file. Papers should ideally be 20–30 pages (8,000–14,000 words) in length.

Please note that all contributions to the JAH will be proofread in American English.

Please provide a separate reference list at the end of the article listing sources cited in your article.

For footnote citations please use the form: “author(s) date of publication, page number” Ex.: “Schirokauer / Hymes 1993, 5” (family name[s] only; no indication of editorship; more than one author’s names should be separated by slashes).

When citing more than one publication written by the same author in the same year, please assign each publication an additional number given in brackets, to differentiate the publications, e.g. Zhao 2010 (2), 202. When citing publications by different authors with the same surname, please use the following form: D. B. Wagner; R. G. Wagner; Zhao Debo; ZhaoYuqing.

Further examples of footnotes used to cite sources are given below:

Bol 1982, 26; Bol 1992, 10–15; Bol 2001, 110; Bol 2009, 88; “Daren fu”, 3057; D. B. Wagner 1993, 17; Feng 1998, 45; Feng 2004; G. Yang, 85; McMullen, 113–118; Mengliang lu 13/238 (tr. Umehara, vol. 2, 355); Mohorashi, 432.6; Nihon shoki 22 (vol. 3, 69, 98); Qian 1969, 55; R. G. Wagner 1980, 234; R. G. Wagner 2000, 32; Shiji 117/3056–3062; Tsien 1985, 203; Uehara 1967, part 1, 15; Uehara 1969, 105; X. S. Yang 2003, 134; Yang Xiaoshan 2009, 143; Yang Yinliu 1986, 23; Yueshu 127/6ab (p. 554); Zhao Debo 2010 (1), 142; Zhao Debo 2010 (2), 202; Zhao Yuqing 2010, 25.

Sample bibliographical entries (arranged according to different types of publications):


Bol, Peter K.: This Culture of Ours: Intellectual Transitions in T’ang and Sung China. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1992.

Dai Kan-Wa jiten 大漢和辞典 / Comprehensive Chinese-Japanese Dictionary, edited by Morohashi Tetsuji 諸橋轍次et al. 1st edn. 1955–1960. Revised and enlarged edn. Tōkyō: Taishūkan, 1984–1986.

Dongjing menghua lu (wai sizhong) 東京夢華錄 (外四種). Shanghai: Gudian wenxue, 1956.

Feng Zuozhe 冯佐哲: Qingdai zhengzhi yu Zhong-wai guanxi 清代政治与中外关系. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue, 1998.

Fuzhou zhanggu 福州掌故, edited by Fuzhou zhanggu bianxiezu 福州掌故编写组. Fuzhou: Fujian renmin, 1998.

Huang Yinggui黃應貴 (ed.): Kongjian yu wenhua changyu: kongjian zhi yixiang, shijian yu shehui de shengchan 空間與文化場域: 空間之意象, 實踐與社會的生產 / Space and Cultural Fields: Spatial Images, Practices and Social Production. Taipei: Hanxue yanjiu zhongxin, 2009.

Hymes, Robert P. / Schirokauer, Conrad (eds.): Ordering the World: Approaches to State and Society in Sung Dynasty China. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.

McMullen, David: State and Scholars in T’ang China. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1988.

Mengliang lu 夢粱錄, by Wu Zimu 呉自牧. Edn. Dongjing menghua lu (wai si­zhong), 129–328 [for a translation into Japanese, see Umehara Kaoru].

Morohashi: see Dai Kan-Wa jiten.

Nihon shoki 日本書紀 [resp. Nihongi 日本紀], by Toneri-shinnō 舎人親王, see Yŏn.

Qian Cunxun [Tsien, Ts’en-hsuin] 錢存訓: Lun Mingdai donghuo ziban wenti 論明代銅活字板問題. Taibei: Taiwan xuesheng, 1969.

Shiji 史記, by Sima Qian 司馬遷. Beijing: Zhonghua, 1959.

Uehara Kazu 上原和: Shōtoku Taishi 聖德太子. Tōkyō: Sansaisha, 1969.

Umehara Kaoru 梅原郁 (ed.): Muryōroku: Nansō Rinʼan hanjōki 夢粱錄. 南宋臨安繁昌記. 3 vols. Tōkyō: Heibonsha, 2000.

Wagner, Donald B.: Iron and Steel in Ancient China. Leiden: Brill, 1993.

Wagner, Rudolf G.: The Craft of a Chinese Commentator: Wang Bi on the Laozi. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000.

Yang, Gladys: Seven Contemporary Chinese Women Writers. Beijing: Chinese Literature, 1990.

Yang, Xiaoshan: Metamorphosis of the Private Sphere: Gardens and Objects in Tang-Song Poetry. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2003.

Yang Xiaoshan杨晓山: Siren lingyu de bianxing: Tang-Song shige zhong de yuanlin yu wanhao 私人领域的变形: 唐宋诗歌中的园林与玩好. Nanjing: Jiangsu renmin, 2009.

Yang Yinliu楊蔭瀏: Yuyan yu yinyue 語言與音樂. Taipei: Danqing, 1986.

Yŏn Minsu 연민수 (ed.): Yŏkchu Ilbon sŏgi 역주일본서기, 譯註日本書紀. 3 vols. Seoul: Tongbuga yŏksa chaedan, 2013.

Yueshu 樂書, by Chen Yang 陳暘. Edn. Siku quanshu, vol. 211.

[Monographs in serial publications]

Tsien, Tsuen-hsuin [Qian, Cunxun]: Paper and Printing (Needham, Joseph [ed.]: Science and Civilisation in China, vol. 5: Chemistry and Chemical Technology, part 1). Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1985.

[Articles in journals]

Bol, Peter K.:  “Whither the Emperor? Emperor Huizong, the New Policies, and the Tang-Song Transition”, Journal of Song-Yuan Studies 31 (2001), 103–134.

Uehara Kazu 上原和: “Hōryūji to Tamamushi zushi” 法隆寺と玉虫厨子, Kokka 國華 904 (1967:7), 13–30 [part 1]; 905 (1967:8), 7-19 [part 2]; 906 (1967:9), 23–31 [part 3].

Zhao Debo 赵德波: “Cai Yong ‘Qincao, Lu ming’ kaolun” 蔡邕《琴操·鹿鸣》考论, Xueshu jiaoliu 学术交流2010:3 [no. 192], 141–145 [Zhao 2010 (1)].

———: “Cai Yong ‘Qincao, Zhi chao fei cao’ kaolun” 蔡邕《琴操·雉朝飞操》考论, Zhongzhou xuekan 中州学刊 2010:5 [no. 179], 200–203 [Zhao 2010 (2)].

[Articles and isolated texts in other volumes]

Bol, Peter K.: “Geography and Culture: The Middle-Period Discourse on the Zhong guo – the Central Country”, in: Huang 2009, 61–106.

“Daren fu” 大人賦, by Sima Xiangru 司馬相如, in: Shiji 117/3056–3062.

[Unpublished dissertations and informally published materials; internet publications]

Bol, Peter K.: “Culture and the Way in Eleventh Century China”. PhD diss., Princeton University, 1982.

“Dianzi fojiao cidian 電子佛教辭典 / Digital Dictionary of Buddhism”, edited by A. Charles Muller. www.buddhism-dict.net/ddb/ (last access 2014-10-25).

Feng Zuozhe 馮佐哲: “Zhapugang yu Qingdai Zhong-Ri maoyi wenhua jiaoliu” 乍浦港與清代中日貿易文化交流. www.historychina.net/qsyj/ztyj/zwgx/2004-06-29/25533.shtml (last access 2014-10-25) [Feng 2004].

Wagner, Rudolf G.: “Philologie, Philosophie und Politik in der Zhengshi-Ära (240–249): Die Laozi-Schriften des Philosophen Wang Bi”. Habilitation thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, 1980.

Zhao Yuqing 赵玉卿: “Jiang Baishi suzipu gequ yanjiu” 姜白石俗字谱歌曲研究. PhD diss., Shanghai yinyue xueyuan 上海音乐学院, 2010.

Note that places of publication may be spelled either according to local usage or according to the usage of the international academic community (Beijing – Peking; Firenze – Florence; Gent – Ghent; Taibei – Taipei; Tōkyō – Tokyo).